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A Modern, End-to-End B2B Marketing Positioning and Go to Market Strategy

Entering a new region of the globe meant establishing a centralized presence with B2B customers that simultaneously introduced them to our client’s brand but also positioned the brand for competitive success in a sea of sameness.
Leveraging our Six-Question framework, MODIV took our client through the strategic steps of developing a B2B marketing capability from scratch. This included developing a B2B value proposition, activating an internal organizational change plan, briefing the initial creative campaign, and developing a channel strategy focused on priority segments.

Entering a new market is a challenging strategic and operational task for any hotel brand. Doing so with a parallel goal of reaching the complex audience of B2B customers takes challenging and moves it closer to frustrating. For an organization with no formal B2B marketing team, it will feel almost impossible.

MODIV has developed farmwork for B2C brands looking to engage B2B audiences. We call it the six-question framework because it forces an organization to answer six important questions about the definition, role, priority, and strategy of B2B marketing, whether it’s just getting started or needs a strategic overhaul. Given their multidimensional objectives, it served this client particularly well.

Over 16 weeks, MODIV collaborated with the client to structure a team, develop a three-year strategy, identify a value proposition rooted in customer research, and map a channel strategy that focused on elevating B2B awareness for the brand.

Over several months, our client has grown its presence in a new region of the globe and established itself as a viable partner for corporate travel programs. Pairing the channel strategy MODIV created with a robust catalog of seller enablement tools, has empowered our client to confidently position itself for success as a disruptive entrant that has something meaningful to offer B2B customers and their stakeholders. This work continues to open doors for new sales team members, making growth more efficient and organized.
8 New markets entered that included B2B Marketing
1225pt Lift in brand awareness among tested B2B audiences
14% Increase in won RFPs attributed to marketing efforts

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